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Glenda van Koot, June 23 2023

How Do You View Change?

As the change of seasons draw closer, can you feel the change in the air? In my part of the world once August hits you can definitely feel it.

The early mornings and nights grow colder and people always seem a bit surprised when the first leaves begin to change colour. "It seems early this year, doesn't it?" 

But no.....that's the way it happens here every year.

So how does that equate to what happens in our lives when change appears. It's inevitable. As the saying goes, the only constant is change. 

But we can get so accustomed to something being the way it is that we think our feeling around the something will never change. 

When we moved from our last house we had lived there for 18 years. Our son and future daughter-in-law bought our house and I remember wondering how it would feel to be there again when it was now his and not ours.

My husband was excited that we wouldn't have to move the piano; an old solid wood Steinway that weighed a ton. Changes to be made would now be their decision and not ours.

So three weeks after their wedding we moved two hours away, and two weeks later I went back to help with their move.

It amazed me that once all of our belongings were gone - except the piano 😉 - it no longer felt like our house. And the longer they lived there, the more that was the case. Even to the point of me looking for the light switch one day - the same one I had used for all of those 18 years. 

It was a surprising experience! It showed me that just because something has been a certain way for a long time, it doesn't mean that it - or the feelings around it - can never change.

And that change can be more than positive. It can be life-changing.

Our daughter always had a challenge with change. For the first time that we could remember, she had absolutely no challenge with the move. She was all for it! It had taken months to get her to move into her brothers larger bedroom when he moved out. 

You never know until you try. We can hold on and hold on and hold on letting the what-ifs and fear stop us in our tracks or we can trust and have faith in our choice-making. 

That's what I've been trying to do since making the decision to begin my meditation teacher training in 2014. Since then I've continued to study, taking more courses and certifications that enable me to serve and help more people.

Some may think it's odd and that I'm wasting my time, but I keep leaning in and trusting.

In doing that I've met amazing people, had some amazing opportunities and learned amazing things - from both my students and my teachers.


I'll see you on the path. 

Namaste, Glenda

P.S. The photos above were my view as I taught Qigong on one of those chilly August mornings. A result of my trusting and saying Yes! to one of those amazing opportunities. 

Written by

Glenda van Koot


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