I have a question for you. Do you celebrate? Do you celebrate you?
I would hazard to say that for most of us, we are very good at celebrating others achievements and less so at celebrating our own accomplishments.
You don't have to shout it out loud. It can be the quiet voice that inside of you says 'Yeah!!!!!' 'Yes!!!!' Or you do a little happy dance inside your head.
The important thing is that you acknowledge that you did something good. You achieved something. Or you didn't - but you were able to accept that more easily and celebrate that you tried.
It doesn't have to be something big. The little things matter too. We often expect more of ourselves than we do of others.
A few days ago I saw that I had over 1000 listens for one of my Yoga Nidra recordings on Insight Timer. Now my behind-the-scenes stats show it at '1.18k.'
It's taken about a year to get there, but when I saw it I did that happy dance in my head and shared it with my husband. Yes! Knowing that I'd helped 1.18k people filled my heart and made me feel oh so grateful. (Update - it's now at 5000 plays 😊)
So...... today, this week, can you release your inner critic and embrace your inner cheerleader?
"May you recognize in your life the presence, power and light of your soul. May you realize you are never alone, that your soul in its brightness and belonging connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe. And may you realize that the shape of your soul is unique, that you have a special destiny here, that behind the facade of your life there is something beautiful, eternal and good happening."~ John O'Donohue
I'll see you on the path.
Namaste, Glenda